The worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has people scrambling to protect themselves and their homes and families from potential contamination.
Comfort Solutions is your local expert in indoor air quality systems that kill airborne mold & germs in your home’s air stream. While there is no 100% guaranteed indoor air quality system to kill every germ the average family has contact with, steps can be taken to significantly reduce exposure to them.
In most homes, it is not necessary to replace your furnace or air conditioner to reduce your exposure. Three ways you can protect your home and family include air purifying, air cleaning and air exchanging.
Air Purifying
Whole-house UV Air Purifying System (Non-Ionizing systems only). There are many UV purifying systems on the market, it’s critically important that you choose the right one. How does it work? The installed system uses ultraviolet light technology to kill airborne mold & germs in your air stream. Comfort Solutions recommends and installs BreatheCLEAN®.
BreatheCLEAN’s ultraviolet light ray breaks through the cell wall of the organism and destroys the DNA. This renders the organism unable to reproduce and cause illness. For example, when someone has a virus or a cold and coughs or sneezes in one room; those germs are spread to every room in the house, through the ventilation system, within 30 minutes.
As air passes by two powerful 36-watt ultraviolet bulbs, ultraviolet energy literally destroys almost all disease-causing organisms in the air. No competing model

Ultraviolet light technology to kill airborne mold & germs in your airstream.
offers more effective purification than our standard unit. Two 36 watt bulbs deliver large amounts of very high intensity germ-killing ultraviolet energy.
Two 36 watt bulbs deliver more than 80,000 effective microwatts per square centimeter of germ-killing ultraviolet energy.
Pricing: BreatheCLEAN UV
Regular Price: $650.00
Comfort Solutions Special Pricing: $599.00 (Includes Installation)
Buy 2 or more at $549.00/each (Includes Installation)
Air Cleaning
Trane® Clean Effects (Certified by the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America) is a whole-house air cleaner, meaning it works in conjunction with your heating and cooling system to clean 99.98% of airborne allergens from the filtered air. Trane® Clean Effects filtration system is the best way to make sure that your family breathes air that’s clean throughout your entire home.
Even if you feel fine in your home, you’re still breathing in particles that your lungs still must filter out. Even if you don’t have allergies, we’re still fighting all kinds of everyday things that affect us. Dust Mites and waste from them, skin flakes, pollen spores, house dust, mold, pet dander, and bacteria.
Trane® Clean Effects Benefits
- Removes up to an incredible 99.98% of allergens from filtered air.
- Traps particles as small as .1 micron in size. (Human red blood cell is 5 microns)
- Up to 100 times more effective than a standard one-inch filter
- Can reduce your needs to dust by up to 50%

People who are often most susceptible to the adverse effects of pollution (e.g., the very young, older adults, people with Cardiovascular or respiratory disease) tend to spend even more time indoors.
Pricing: Trane® Clean Effects
Regular Price: $1700.00
Comfort Solutions Special Pricing: $1599.00 (Includes Installation)
Buy 2 or more at $1,499.00/each (Includes Installation)
Air Exchanger
Comfort Solutions recommends and installs RenewAire® ERV (by Mitsubishi).
RenewAire® Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) improve people’s health, cognitive function, productivity, and wellbeing by enhancing indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes and buildings of every type. This is done energy-efficiently, cost-effectively and sustainably via fifth-generation, static-plate, enthalpy-core ERVs and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) that reuse otherwise-wasted energy to condition incoming outdoor air.
The EPA recommends a rate of .35 ACH (natural air changes per hour — that is, just over 1/3 of the air in your home being replaced every hour; or 3 hours for a full air change) for healthy indoor air quality.
So, what that means to an average homeowner is that over a 24 hour period the EPA recommends that you change your air 8 times a day. The size for your home is figured by cubic footage (volume) as to what size air exchanger is best for you.
Pricing: RenewAire® ERV
Regular Price: $2700.00
Comfort Solutions Special Pricing: $2599.00 (Includes Installation)
Buy 2 or more at $2,499.00/each (Includes Installation)
To get started, you can connect with Comfort Solutions in 3 ways:
- Click the “Chat” bubble in the bottom right of your screen and fill out the requested information.
- Go to our “Contact” page and fill out the requested information, hit submit.
- Call 763-565-2121 to speak with our Comfort Specialists for more information.
*Installation times very
*All products are compatible only with forced-air systems
*Listed pricing is for normal installation only, additional charges may apply for:
• Difficult installation may require an extra service fee
• If the electrical is not up to code, an additional charge may apply to make the necessary changes